Auriculin-B Atriopeptin I Auriculin-A Atriopeptin-3 MGSFSITKGFFLFLAFWLPGHIGANPVYSAVSNTDLMDFKNLLDHLEEKMPVEDEVMPPQALSEQTDEAGAALSSLSEVPPWTGEVNPSQRDGGALGRGPWDPSDRSALLKSKLRALLAGPRSLRRSSCFGGRIDRIGAQSGLGCNSFRYRR Atrial natriuretic peptide Atriopeptin-2 Atriopeptin III Natriuretic peptides A Atriopeptin-1 Hormone playing a key role in cardiovascular homeostasis through regulation of natriuresis, diuresis, and vasodilatation. Specifically binds and stimulates the cGMP production of the NPR1 receptor. Binds the clearance receptor NPR3 (By similarity). Atrial natriuretic factor ANF_RAT 152 Nppa Prepronatriodilatin Atriopeptin II